Handy GPS v22.7
Requirements: 4.0 and up
The ideal buddy for your next open air enterprise. Look for, discover, record and return home with Handy GPS.
This application is a genuine route instrument intended for outside games like climbing, bushwalking, mountain biking, kayaking and trail riding. It is likewise appropriate to utilizations like mining, ranger service, and prehistoric studies. Its easy to utilize and works even in the remotest boondocks since it needn't bother with system network. It permits you to work in UTM or lat/lon arranges so you can utilize it with your paper topographic maps. Waypoints and track logs recorded in the field can be seen later in Google Earth.
* Shows current area in easting/northing (UTM) or lat/lon
* Shows speed, course of travel, and separation went in either metric or magnificent/US units
* Can store current area as a waypoint, and can store track logs
* Waypoints and track logs can be transported in from and sent out to Google Earth KML and GPX documents
* Allows manual section of waypoint organizes in UTM, MGRS or lat/lon
* Custom waypoint images
* Can manage you to a waypoint with the "Goto" screen, with discretionary capable of being heard closeness alarm
* Has attractive compass page (gadgets with mag sensors as it were)
* Computes neighborhood attractive declination and geoid remedy at startup utilizing the IGRF-12 and EGM96 models
* Can show either a basic guide of your present area and the put away waypoints, or a Google Map
* Supports the overall WGS84 datum alongside the Australian datums AGD66, AGD84, GDA94. (You can likewise utilize WGS84 for NAD83 maps)
* Shows satellite areas and flag qualities graphically
* Can show basic 6, 8 or 10 digit lattice refs, or MGRS matrix ref.
* Waypoint-to-waypoint separation and course
* Optional clock to record walk term and figure normal speed
* Has online help pages
* Thoroughly tried by engineer on many off-track strolls
* Unlimited number of waypoints and track log focuses. (Free form restricted to 3 waypoints and 20 tracklog focuses)
* Email or SMS containing an interactive connection demonstrating your area can be sent to a companion.
* Common datums, for example, NAD83 (US), OSGB36 (UK), NZTM2000 (NZ), SAD69 (South America) and ED50 (Europe) can be chosen from the custom datum page, or you can design your own datums, including neighborhood lattice frameworks, (for example, those utilized at mine locales). You can likewise load and spare datum params.
* UK lattice refs with two letter prefixes can be appeared if OSGB datum chose. OSGB lattice refs can likewise be appeared on smartwatches.
* Elevation profile of your course can be appeared.
* Average GPS areas after some time to give more exact outcome.
* Take photographs from the application which are alternatively geotagged, or have the area "consumed" into picture.
* Show sun rise and set circumstances.
* Export waypoints to CSV record in current arrange framework.
* Create another waypoint by anticipating a current one utilizing an entered separation and bearing.
* Compute length, region, and height change for tracklog.
* Offline outline by downloading tiles from guide tile servers, or utilizing your own particular guide pictures.
* Comes finish with an Android Wear adaptation for use on your Android Wear smartwatch.
Authorizations: (1) GPS - to decide your area, (2) Network get to - for access to Google Map and OSM tiles, (3) SD card get to - to load and store waypoints and tracklogs, (4) Camera access for taking pics, (5) Prevent telephone from dozing so closeness caution works, (6) Control electric lamp, to permit the spotlight to be turned on/off from inside the application, and (7) System settings, to permit the Android Wear application to control the watch screen splendor.
DISCLAIMER: You utilize this application at your own hazard. The engineer acknowledges no obligation regarding you getting lost therefore of utilizing this application. Batteries in cell phones can go level. An other power source is suggested for amplified climbs.
Additionally observe the Coordinate Master application for support for considerably more facilitate frameworks. Helpful GPS is likewise accessible for iPhone and Windows Phone.
22.7: Increased exactness of scale bar on GPS averaging page. Changes to "Goto" page on watch form of application: Increased size of content marginally, included discretionary night mode, included discretionary closeness caution which vibrates watch when you reach inside 50m of waypoint.
22.6: Added an alternative on the waypoints menu to move a waypoint. Demonstrate feet on the scale bar when zoomed in nearer than 0.1 miles. Settled a bug with sending information from watch to telephone.
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